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Body & Soul Healing Course

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The Body & Soul Healing Course...

guides and lifts the intuitive healer through greater aspects of advanced healing opportunities. 

"Tiffany does a beautiful job honoring the unique connections each of us have with energy and

how to apply our innate abilities to perceive the advanced work with clarity and confidence." 

Our physical bodies exist within a magnificent energy field or aura; within this field, we co-create and co-exist with our life experiences.  This co-creation includes our health and illness. Here, we get to experience the power of healing through our energy field. Our energy field is the starting point of all illness and we have the ability and availability to restore and heal such disturbances. In these intimate class settings, you will be supported in opening to new insights and connections between the human energy field and the physical body. Expand upon your sense in perceiving the human energy field, learn to interact with it consciously, and confidently manipulate it with healing and rebalancing techniques.  Further, become certified in the application and approach to the Body & Soul Healing technique.

Course in Session.

Includes a catered lunch, drinks, and snacks throughout the day. 

Space is limited to six, ensuring a safe and grounded learning experience.



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Thank you for registering. I look forward to working with you.

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